We need you, now! Help MERA25 Germany make the ballot in 2024

Our candidates are ready, our campaign narrative is set and now we need your help to collect 5,000 signatures. In the next European elections, everybody has to find the name of MERA25 on the ballot, but in order to be electable we have to collect supporting signatures by the end of February!

Please help us with five simple steps:

  1. Print signature forms (front and back): LINK
  2. Ask your friends, family, colleagues and others to fill and sign them (important: readable and exact data). People that are eligible to vote can sign: 16 years or older, registered in Germany, EU citizens
  3. Bring or send the filled signature forms to your local authority for confirmation or contact the nearest local group to assist you
  4. Let the local authority send them to our central address for collection or send them yourself after they are confirmed to MERA25 c/o Johannes Fehr, Waldowallee 116, Aufgang III, 10318 Berlin
  5. Support us all the way on our campaign page: mera25.de/europawahl

Thank you in advance, you are making a difference!

Do you want to have some of our fantastic and beautiful flyers? Are you passionate about our goals and want to get more involved on a constant basis, collecting signatures together and helping us build a strong campaigning team? Write to info@mera25.de!

Since we’re an independent organisation, each of us can make the difference, so your active support is crucial. We look forward to meeting you in person, when we tour the country in the next few months.

As we need to print flyers, flags, and other materials to equip our volunteers, who will be campaigning tirelessly on the streets from now on, you could help us with a small donation. Thank you so much in advance and Carpe DiEM!

Do you want to be informed of DiEM25's actions? Sign up here

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