Varoufakis to Cuba ambassador: ΜeRΑ25-DiEM25 against US asphyxiation of Cubans

The new Ambassador of Cuba to Greece, Mr Aramís Fuente Hernández, paid a visit to MeRA25’s General Secretary Yanis Varoufakis.

Following an hourly overview of international developments, the Ambassador extended an invitation on behalf of the Cuban government to Varoufakis to visit Cuba in an official capacity in late January for talks on setting up a New Non-Aligned Movement, as announced in the Athens Declaration on May 13, 2022.

This visit would also include a speech by Varoufakis in Havana on global economic and geopolitical developments.

On his part, the Secretary of MeRA25 expressed the total objection of MeRA25-DiEM25 and the Progressive International to the continuing asphyxiation of the Cuban people, which the US has been pursuing for six decades.

“War, the nuclear threat, climate catastrophe, violence and the dependence on oligarchic imperialist centres are the common enemy of all people,” Varoufakis stated at the end of the meeting.

“I look forward to working with you to prepare your visit to Cuba,” added Mr Hernández.

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